Originally Posted by DrewBert
Yeah, not a Squeek sound it's a ticking sound. Think hockey card it the spokes of your pedal bike
I'm not sure this is relevant to what is happening with the M5 brakes, but I'll give my experience. I changed out the front brakes on my last car to large diameter AP rotors and six piston calipers. Occasionally, not all the time, I would get that rattle from the front, either left or right, when turning 90 degree corners at low speed. This happened over years of use with no complications from the brakes at all. I believe it has to do with how much the caliper pistons have retracted after the last brake application. If the seals have pulled the pistons back slightly more than usual, I think it gives the pads some room to rattle against the rotor, and perhaps turning has something to do with the pad movement?