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      07-08-2016, 10:16 AM   #34
"Detailing Devil Dog"
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Drives: 2001 Corvette Coupe
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Louisville, KY

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Originally Posted by platinum903 View Post
... Just my thoughts. If your videos were shorter, I'd watch a lot more of them.
If my videos were shorter, they wouldn't be "a brutha' in his garage production."

Here's the deal. There are hundreds upon hundreds of videos on You Tube where some guy slaps some product on a car that already looks good as says, "Look at how much better this car now looks!" And then you have hundreds upon hundreds of guys out there like me who are looking at the screen like, "That didn't prove a darn thing!" This is WHY my channel was born.

Almost 30,000 subscribers later, the template that I used to make my first video is still working. I am on You Tube for ONE reason, to teach. I am not there to make money (I own an IT business that allows me to work 10 hours a month and all my bills are paid), I am not there for the popularity (I'm 53... what mature adult wants to be popular at 53) and I am not there to sell anything. The one thing that I love to do is teach and that what I use You Tube for.

The subjects that I cover could be done with less banter, but then my videos would be as BORING as all the other detailing videos out there. Have you set through some of those snoozers? I don't even watch other people's detailing videos because none of them are interesting to me. It's like sitting through calculus class on Monday in high school on a rainy day. No thanks.

So I came up with the idea to not only be THOROUGH in my videos but to also be ME. People who know me love having me around because they claim that I am fun and funny, especially women. I have had more dates from beautiful women because I made them laugh. Apparently, that's important to women. So with that in mind, I introduced my format. It took off like Apollo 11 and there is no way that I am going to change what has worked so well for all of these years. This stuff can only be taught using cliff notes if you are gullible enough to believe anything I say without me proving it. I'm not that way so I don't think that people watching my videos are that way either. This is why I take the time to explain everything in detail and leave no stone unturned.

Tons of people have told me that if they had a teacher like me in school, they would have actually learned something and enjoyed school. I know exactly what they are talking about because I felt the same exact way. My teachers were as boring as hell and I barely passed high school. It took me two attempts at college because my teachers were so dry. But the second time was the charm. I met a teacher who knew how to deliver the material and I ended on the Dean's list and also the math tutor (a subject that I failed miserably in high school). So this is why my videos are the way they are. They are NOT for everyone but then the same thing can be said about Halley Barry. As beautiful as she is, she's had a few men give her a pass. You may have to do that to my videos but if you decide to stick around, I guarantee you that you won't find any others like them on You Tube.
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